Our blog features essays, book reviews, coverage of FTB titles, and noteworthy news of American Jewish experience by our publisher.
Book Industry Disruption
Posted on February 11, 2020
The book industry is in a period of significant change, brought about in great part by the following set of occurrences in recent years: the rise of Amazon.com as a disruptive influence on book distribution, promotion, and pricing; the introduction of e-readers that have altered the way that books are purchased, promoted and read; the […]
Fig Tree Lit — Our New Newsletter
Posted on February 9, 2020
In December, 2019, we issued our first edition of Fig Tree Lit. Each month, we will put out a new issue that will have features including: Jews of Different Hues (articles about Jews such as ‘Nightline’ co-anchor Juju Chang); Apples and Honey (essays and short stories); Book Club Guides (currently featuring A River Could Be A Tree […]